Sorry for the late updates !
Here are the pictures for the rest of welcoming night!
We have Shanti and Xiang Yi as the emcees of the night! * imitating Michael Jackson's famous pose *
Followed by, Singspiration by bro. John and sis. Jin Yii...
Event continues with ice-breaking slot where juniors are each given a balloon and they're supposed to pounce the balloon up to the air while waiting for the music to stop...
anD yes, after that, its the sketch performance by our IVCC seniors... John as the main character of the sketch...
Cat walk for introduction of I-V-C-C!
and Lastly, we had refreshments at the end of welcoming night 2009!
yea...Guess that's all for the updates for our Welcoming Night 2009! Though the amount of people coming over to the event exceeded our expected amount of ppl, we managed to put it through at last.... for we know, God will always be there to guide us and lead us...
Here are the pictures for the rest of welcoming night!


Hey gurl...where in the world did you get all these pictures from??? Jia Yaik ke?