Hey guys,
Just some updates...

On June 26, we celebrated Lao Rong's 24th birthday...

On June 30, we go watch movie---Transformer

On July 1, we finish the Night's souvenir...

On July 2, we go visitation and ask juniors out for dinner... Give them hot 'tang sui' in rainy day...
hot tang shui in rainy day wo~~
haha..good job!! (sweet into their hearts wo~~hehe)
erm..only 2 comments here:
1. i dunno how hot is hot u mean..if can, give warm tang shui, k? my roommate taught me b4 tat placing d pot on d floor so tat it can be cooled down faster. it works o!(warm = when u hold d container, u didn rasa hot, temp around 50 celcius. always be patient to give the best!)
2. sorry. im a bit environmentally frenly..did u guys ask them to keep the tupper ware.. very sayang le.. try to minimize the usage of plastic stuffs lo..love our planet which is d God's creation oso ya^^
bro sis, do take care!! love u guys always..
God bless u all abundantly^^
jia U, jia U, jia U!!!
haha...thank you for your comments and concern ya...
it's actually warm...the container was not hot but warm..hehee~~~
yaya..we did ask them to keep it and give us back so that we can cook more for them..hahaa=D
fyi, most of the sarawakian like the 'fu chu barley' cuz they nevr cook it that way over there...
A lot also agree to come for the night..Thank God for that...
We all love you too sis!!! please come back if you got time again..and take your purse which you left at hean's car^^