Wednesday, June 9, 2010 at 9:50 AM
Shalom, brothers and sisters in Christ. This is a meaningful article by Rev. Liew which sis. Xiao Xu would like to share with all of you. Please spend some time to read the article and pray about some of the prayer items below.

[光与盐,已经成为基督教的另一个代名词了。大学里的光盐社是基督教的,路旁的光盐幼稚园是基督徒经营的,光盐出版社的老板肯定是基督徒,光盐月刊当然是基督教刊物。因为耶稣曾经说过:你们事实上的盐,……你们事实上的光;所以,光与盐在悠久的历史传统最终逐渐成为基督教所持有的代称。从小到大,交待我们要 [做光做盐] 的幕张不知凡几,只是,许多人却总是做不来。
许多基督徒做光做盐做得很辛苦,或者说,做了半天还是失了味,要不就是放在斗底下。不是盐味淡薄,就是光线微弱,这是什么缘故?我想,问题就出在 [做] 与 [是] 之上。做,代表着一种 [异质的转化],那不是光的要去 [做] 光,那不是盐的要去 [做] 盐。即是要前者去 [做] 后者,就表示二者是不同性质的东西,硬要将之转化,是十分困难的。
[是] ,代表着一种 [本质的发扬],时光的 [发出] 光来,是盐的 [发出] 咸味来。没有丝毫的勉强、没有半点的难做,就在自然的状况下,将本质的功能发扬出来。我们要搞清楚,耶稣从来没有叫我们去 [做光做盐] ,而是谨慎地提醒我们 [ 是光是盐], 让我们从中去深度的自我反省,看我们是属于 [异质] 的信仰存在物,或是一个符合基督信仰本质的存有者。
光与盐虽属不同物质,但却有一个相同的功用,那就是为它们所存在的环境带来 [改变] ;光与暗对立,并将暗扫除;盐去除平淡,产生霉味。可以见得的是:非光之物无法照亮黑暗,非盐之物无能叫食物再咸。那本质与光盐不同的存在物,自然无法担负起与光盐相同的功用。所以,所有仅拥有基督信仰的表象而未有实质之人,怎么可能带来他所处之环境的 [改变] 呢?
[假] 的基督徒无法发出 [真] 光,因为他还不是光;[假] 的基督徒无法假冒 [真] 盐,因为他也不是盐。基督徒不必辛苦去做光做盐,因为怎么做都不会像;真正辛苦的是要使自己的生命品质、价值观念有所改变,而成为一个彻底的新造的人。如此,就会极其自然地照亮四周、调和美味,因为,我们就 [是] 光、就 [是] 盐,展现光盐的功能将是那么地自然!
摘自《没有道理的真理》 刘清谦著

After reading the article, what kind of Christian do you think you are based on the article? Are you a Christian who is acting, pretending or forced to be light and salt to the world or are you the real LIGHT and SALT which does not lose its saltiness and shine?

Matthew 5:13–16: "You are the salt of the earth; but if salt has lost its taste, how can its flavour be restored? It is no longer good for anything, but is thrown out and trampled under foot. 14 “You are the light of the world. A city built on a hill cannot be hid. 15 No one after lighting a lamp puts it under the bushel basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven."
Bro. and sis, especially all of us who are going to be involved in the welcoming activities 2010, please pray to God that you will become changed from the inner out and be the real light and salt to the world. And how do you do that? IMMERSE yourself in God’s word, BUILD a relationship with Him, LOVE Himk, PRAY to Him, LISTEN and DEPEND on Him….

Other Prayer Items:
1. Pray for the incoming juniors and the approaching work, pray that God will provide us juniors that is according to His will. PLEASE TAKE NOTE THAT THE RESULT FOR THE UNI INTAKE FOR JUNIORS WILL BE OUT MAYBE NEXT WEEK…SO BE ALERT AND TRY TO APPROACH JUNIORS IN YOUR HOMETOWN….

2. Pray for the whole welcoming nite and camp team, pray that all of us will be united together in Christ, let God work inside our hearts as we serve Him willingly and for His GLORY. Pray also that God will bless each and every aspect of the welcoming activity.

3. Pray for the funding of the welcoming activity.

Btw, we hav found a speaker on the camp subtopic, praise be to God! He is Juan Mou's ex-coursemate. Thanks for your prayers!!

Continue to pray for our welcoming activity!! God bless!!


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