List of Seniors reach Johor
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Welcoming Camp,
Welcoming Night
The Story of Rick and Dick Hoyt....
Pot Bless Dinner and Performance

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Welcoming Camp
BE alert, dudes...
Pls take note that the result for university intake 09/10 will be out soon...
Stretch out your EARS, LIPS and HANDS to reach out for new juniors thru all sort of ways u can think of... Internets, Handphones, Local Uni gathering...
And here I had uploaded my brochures..for those who hadn't received d brochures for this welcoming, copy it here and print it out !!

Click on the picture to enlarge it before u copied it to your computer...
And I found out these in my friendster, someone post it on d buletin board...
Attention especially for Muarian...
LOcal Sharing for University Enrollment
Date: 21 June 2009
Time: 9am
Venue: SJK (C) Chung Hwa 2 , MUAR
TRY to attend it ya..espcially Jun LOng.....
Guess Thats all....
C u guys soon... God Bless...
Posted In
Welcoming Camp,
Welcoming Night
Hi guys...
But the frist thing I wanna thank God is this blog..i can see bro and sis are working very hard to prepare and rehearsal in order to present the best for God and for the whole welcoming activities...really feel paiseh for not doing anything..May the Lord continue to guide bro and sis ya..wish we all will have one heart in doing this whole activities ya..
Second, thank God for the....dunno what is call..the presentation for the night,got uv light one...haha...thank God for the progress...i heard from bro and sis that the practice is good and bro and sis are giving real support,i'm really happy to hear this..1 more thing, i know bro and sis are going back to UTM soon,just to double confirm here that bro and sis can sleep at so call 'my house' during that time...everything is almost ready and just waiting for you to stay only.haha..please coordinate with xiew ern as she's now currently staying at the if you reach there and the door is know what to do la..
o ya, bro and sis are encourage to post up any prayer request here ya..wish to pray for you guys for anything.
All the best for the preparation..anything that we can help can always adknowledge us ya. Let prayer be our base and support in everything we do ya.. 'for everytime i pray,i move the hands of God,my prayer does the thing,my hands cannot do....'. May the Holy Spirit touches us and remind us to pray earnestly.
The script of IVCC welcoming night sketch
I use the symbol for the actor name. Below are the character shortname:
A - the main actor
G - the girlfriend of main actor
K - Ah Kau, main actor home town friends
F1, F2 - coursemate of main actor
L - the lecture
R - the main actor's roomate
Scene 1 :
(At hometown, maybe can be at kopitiam somewhere in his hometown)
A : (walking toward his friends, B) Oh no…. (Say loudly, give sad expression) I need 2 go UTM study. I don’t want. I don’t want.
Kau : Hey, u got UTM? Still ok la. Not bad la, better than u get nothing.
A : Haiz, the only way is I go study lo even though I dislike UTM. How about other friends? Where they going to study? Did anybody go UTM study same as me?
Kau : Erm…i don’t know where exactly they going to study, but I confirm that nobody goes UTM except u. (laughing and suddenly turn to serious) Eh, I tell you ar, my brother say when we go university, there are 3 missions we need to be done before we graduate. If not ar, there is no meaning u go study university.
A : Wow…really? What are these 3 missions? Tell me faster.
Kau : (smile evilly) hehehe.. First mission is to study la, agree or not?
A : Yes, yes, yes… agree…how about the second and third?
Kau : Erm.. The second is experience all the interesting places around your university and the third missions is the most special and the most enjoyable, the mission is to find friends especially girlfriend. This is very important one. If u cannot do this ar, better u don’t tell others that I know u, ok?
A : Ya la..Ya la.. Don’t worry, I will prove to u see that I m very expert in these kinds of things.
Scene 2: (On the registration day)
A : (talk himself or maybe can talk to the audience depend on the situation)
That Ah Kau ar, tell me this 3 easy missions, so easy to do. The first one, study ar. (start thinking) Haiyo, I always get No. 1 in kindergarten, these not a problem for me at all at here. Then the second mission, go play all the places around ar. Sure not a problem, even in my hometown, I also can go round-round 10 times already. The last one is to find a girlfriend. Look at my face, so handsome, everyone like me start from age 2 to 80, nobody will reject me. Those who reject me ar, there must be something wrong with her la. Do you think all of this is a PROBLEM?? (Laugh himself and “syok sendiri”)
F1 : (run fast and collide with main actor, then run away in rush)
F2 : Hey, wait me ar… go register also need 2 wait me first…Don’t run so fast (run fast and collide with main actor, then run away in rush also)
A : (talk to himself) why here has this kind of persons? Bump against me also didn’t apologize…so rude… Better don’t be my classmate, if not I really “suey”. (look at his watch) Opss, it is late already, I need to go registration counter now.
Scene 3 :
(On the 1st day lecture)(Friend 1 and friend 2 sit together and talk something)
(Main actor walks inside the lecture hall and with a shocked expression when go inside)
A : Hello, are you all in the right room?
F1 : Yes, of course. We are taking xxxx course. Here is the class now.
A : (look disappointed)Ooo, that mean we are course mate?
(Turn aside and talk himself) Walao, I really “suey”
(They introduce themselves to each other)
A : hey, how about the orientation week u all have? Enjoy or not? I have a terrible week.
F2 : Ya la… really feel bad… really agree with you…
F1 : me too…other places also better than here…
(The lecture walks inside the room)
L : Good morning all the students, Let us start our 1st lecture with two questions. The first question is do you all enjoy the orientation week? (point toward main actor) you, answer the question.
A : I dint enjoy the orientation week. I feel it is terrible.
L : You really terrible ar. Dare to say UTM terrible?(can scold the main actor more)How about the others?
F1&F2 : We enjoy the orientation week and the orientation week is fantastic. We like UTM so much.
L : Good, I like it. Now I ask the 2nd question, did u all hungry now? If u all hungry, then I dismiss the class, if not, I also want 2 dismiss the class.
(The lecture and two friends go out)
A : Oh no, this two friends cannot “harap” one. All of them betray me. The lecture also useless, even dint teach anything in the class. I really regret to come here.
Scene 4 :
(Main actor walks on the street then suddenly stop in the middle of the road)
A : Ah…… (Scream loudly) Why? Why? Why? Look like I cannot finish Ah Kau’s missions already. The lecture also dint teach anything inside the class, how I going to study? And stay inside the hostel, how I go to travel all the places especially Singapore? Walk to there? Crazy.. Erm,and the third mission……. (Smile evilly)
G :( take a lot of things run faster toward main actor and collide with him) (all her stuff fall down on the floor) (scold loudly without looking at the main actor while picking all her stuff on the floor)Argh…So pain...Are you crazy? Stand in the middle of the road…u want to accident in the very first day in UTM?
A : I m so sorry, are you ok?
G : (finished pick her stuff, then stand up and look at the main actor) (the voice change to very soft) ok, I m fine. How about you? (Feeling shy)
A : I m fine too. Where are you going?
G : I m…I m going to SUB having lunch alone.
A : ooo…me too. Why not we have lunch together?
(Both of them together walk away and start a relationship)
Scene 5 :
(Somewhere in the UTM)(Main actor phone his best friends, Ah kau)
A : Hello, Ah Kau. I tell u something that I have done the most important mission u tell me one.
Kau : Really? You are the man. (Maybe can be talk a bit long and can be taken as the video)
(After that, main actor put down the phone)(His girlfriend comes towards him)
G : Who are you talking to? Other girl? We break up.
A : Oh no… why? Hear me explain, just now is my.….
G : (she cut down his words and say) I don’t want to hear you explain. The main reason we break up is b’coz I dislike u always dig your nose.
A : really? I got do this before? (Straight away done this in front of her)
(She screams loudly and ran away)
Scene 6 :
(On the stair outside the room)(His roommate goes across the stair)
R : What are you doing here? Everything all right?
A : Haiz, why I have such a bad luck to come here study? At here, study also not use, the lecture useless, and the friends here all like to betray me. The girl is the worst, even I dig the nose also cannot accept me, so sad. Why all the things I seek inside university also cannot get? There are no meanings I am at here.
R : Friends, u really wants to know why?
A : Ya, why?
R : Come with me.
(There will be video about his roommate bring main actor to IVCC)(Continue by the talk)
Posted In
Welcoming Night
Facebook, Friendster, Msn... ....
Well, I've set this coming Sunday, which is on the 14th of June 2009, we'll all start to upload our welcoming theme, Seek..what if's picture as our profile picture...
tHe list for new intake 2009/2010 will be released on 19th of June 2009, so be alert of your friends, relatives, high school juniors who'll be entering UTM. Make sure u make the first move to approach them...
And back to the profile picture stuff, make a little introduction bout IVCC ya, and few guidelines below:
1) IVCC, Inter Varsity Christian Church, undergraduate-bilingual church
2) We're here to give the best guidance to new juniors, providing transport, accomodation ... ... Others, Elaborate yourself la...
3) IMPORTANT... tell them how they can contact YOU... Thru Emails, Msn, Leaving Comments, or even giving your hp no if u dn mind...
These are only guidelines... Make it as interesting as possible to attract juniors attention
Pls do co-operate, bro n sis cos we're an important channel to connect either believers nor non-believers to God....
Well..that's all!! hehe...
And remember, it's this coming Sunday !! By night time, I'll check on you guys' facebook and friensters and also msn to see whether, the pictures are uploaded or not... haha
( P.S. you can copy pictures of the logos on the previous post ^^ )
God bless your service ^^
Unexpected and Bizarre
Posted In
Welcoming Camp
Seek... what if...
...a continual of the blog post by Andrina on 3rd different author.hehe
Here's another profile photo for facebook or friendster, with different pretty faces.
It's up to u which u wanna upload as ur profile photo.

Having another hand mimes gathering today.
Everything runs smoothly today, and we're a step releasing boredom and getting closer to each other by...playing boardgame in Tarot?
Haih...sorry for crapping.
because the attendance is still not full and yet getting lesser + lesser..
whatever..the next confirm(hopefully) practice will not be on friday but this coming monday because someone has an important date with God for the following days.
There's no one to blame.
But there's just 1 thing i wanna say..
It's already june now.
It's getting closer to the programme that we've been planning since march2009.
and seems like our dear coordinator is getting stress out..a bit or a lot..
..worrying too much bout the welcoming maybe.
So, for those who happen to read this blog post, purposely or accidentally...
do whatever u think it should be done for the programme..
...for God.
Posted In
Welcoming Camp,
Welcoming Night
Well, there'a few guideline here.
1) Check your email, whether you had actually received an email from blogspot to invite you to become an author of this IVCC blog. If you hadn't received any, drop a comment on the chatbox, I'll send you the invitation.
2) Register and create a blogspot profile through the link given in the email.
3) Now, you can post anything you wish to tell or share with us in this blog.
Yaya, it's just as easy as ABC...hahaz...
You're mostly welcomed to drop your precious post in this blog ^^
God Bless !!
Posted In
Blog Ministry
Seek... what if...
Seek..what if...

And here comes the calender of the year !!

And lastly, is a picture I planned to in facebook as wall photos...for those who owns a facebook account, please copy this picture and crop it as your wall photo when ....... (p.s I'll tell u guys when to upload it ) hehez...

And for those who owns a friendster account, you can upload the logo to put as your primary picture...hehez....
Well, That's all!!
Finally, wana say Thanks to Tzi hui for helping us to design these pictures & logo...
God bless ur service !!